Ask us your money questions

We’re starting a new thing! Ask us your money questions and we’ll answer them.

Money is one of those important life things that for some reason we never formally learn about in any capacity (parenting is another one of those things and I find that to be mind-boggling, right??). That’s why we’re here to help!

Pull up a seat to our imaginary fireside and let us know your burning money questions, your middle of the night 3am questions, your “I feel like I should know this” questions. Send them to We’ll answer them all and share them here because chances are, if you’re thinking about these things so are others.

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How much money should I keep in my checking/savings account?

We typically recommend only having 3-6 months worth of expenses in a checking and/or savings account plus enough for any big expenses you have coming up. Any amount over that should be working for you.

What’s an emergency fund and should I have one?

An emergency fund is cash or other highly liquid capital that you have available for immediate use just in case something happens. It’s money that’s set aside to cover unexpected events that may come up in life such as a medical emergency or losing your job. Having an emergency fund is a crucial part of your overall financial health. Typically it should consist of 3-6 months of current expenses. Anything over this amount should be invested. You can read more about emergency funds here.