SRI investing

It's proxy vote season!

It's proxy vote season!

It’s that time of the year you’ve been eagerly waiting not tax season, it’s proxy vote season!

Why do we at Good Capital love proxy season? Because as a shareholder aka part owner of the companies in your portfolio, proxy voting gives you a say in company matters.

How to find out if you're invested sustainably

How to find out if you're invested sustainably

So you have investments most likely in your brokerage account or in your 401(k) and you’re realizing that you might be invested in companies or funds that you wouldn’t otherwise support (e.g. private prison companies and gun manufacturers). Now what?

How you can get started with socially responsible investing

How you can get started with socially responsible investing

We as a community wield immense power and together we can create change. Whether it’s choosing what you buy and where you buy from, who you bank with, or which companies you invest in, you can be intentional about what your money funds. With sustainable and socially responsible investing, we can choose to support companies that are aligned with our values.