Spring clean your finances

Whenever spring rolls around, I feel the push to channel my inner Marie Kondo and clean out the house. This is also a great time to declutter and organize other parts of your life, like your finances! Here are 3 things you can do right now to spring clean your finances.

  1. Sweep out subscriptions that no longer give you joy. Subscriptions have a sneaky way of staying in your life without you realizing. That’s why they are such a reliable business model! Go through your subscriptions and make sure you still need everything you signed up (and are paying) for.

  2. Check in with your budget. How’s it going? Now is a good time to reassess your income and expenses and see if your budget is still working for you. Maybe you can increase your savings or start paying down more debt? You can find our budget tracker here.

  3. Take a look at your retirement accounts. Make sure your contributions are still working for you and check that your accounts are invested appropriately. Do you have an old 401k with a previous employer? It’s usually a good idea to consolidate your accounts so it’s easier for you to keep track of and also to avoid excessive fees.

Happy spring cleaning!

Marie kondo