New Year, SMARTer You

It’s that time of the year again, when people look forward to the new year, a new beginning, a clean fresh start. Time for New Year’s resolutions like telling yourself that this is the year you’ll finally dedicate yourself to being fit or that you’ll start eating healthy and might as well take up meditating while you’re at it. There’s a reason why these types of resolutions are notoriously difficult to follow through on. Not only are they ambitious, but they’re also incredibly vague. They don’t include the steps to make them actionable. It’s hard to tell whether we’ve achieved these resolutions or not. So here are our lofty yet ambiguous resolutions for 2020 and how we are making them more effective for ourselves.

2020 Good Capital’s Lofty Yet Ambiguous New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Stop and smell the flowers. Take time to enjoy and be grateful for everything we have.

  2. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate our wins, both big and small.

  3. Try new things, always.

The best advice we have for setting goals and new years resolutions is to make them SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. Taking these factors into account, here are our equally exciting, but far more actionable resolutions to achieve our ambitious 2020 goals.

2020 Good Capital’s SMART New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Every Sunday evening, take 10 minutes to write down 3 things we’re grateful for from the week.

  2. Every Friday evening, take 5 minutes to write down our wins from the week. On the last Friday of the month, take 10 minutes to plan a way to celebrate one win of our choosing from the month.

  3. Make a plan to try out something new every month. We already have some that we’re looking forward to - mountain biking, sailing, eating Kashmiri Wazwan, hiking and biking trip in Korea.

Follow along and we’ll keep you updated on how we progress throughout the year! What are your New Year’s resolutions? How are you making them more attainable for yourself?
