Is your spending aligned with your values?

A couple weeks ago we talked about shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Let’s take the next step in reflecting on our relationship with money and think about how we want to spend our hard-earned money. Where you spend your money directly translates to whom or which businesses you’re supporting. What feels good to me is supporting companies and causes I care about. It feels so different and so much more satisfying to part with my money this way. It’s becoming hard for me to justify spending money without thinking about the values behind the product or service.

The city council in Portland, Oregon is a great example of this. They are currently considering an emergency resolution that would ban the city government from purchasing goods or services from the state of Texas “until the unconstitutional ban on abortion is withdrawn or overturned in court,” according to a statement from Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. “The Portland City Council stands unified in its belief that all people should have the right to choose if and when they carry a pregnancy and that the decisions they make are complex, difficult, and unique to their circumstances.”

Values-aligned spending is a form of using your voice and as we know, money talks. It encourages us to think about whether a purchase is in line with our goals or philosophy. When we spend our money (and time!) on things that are in line with our values and goals, not only are we furthering those values and goals, we also end up feeling more fulfilled and experience more joy.

Take a moment and think about your everyday purchases, are they supporting companies that share your values? How about your big purchases?