The economics of abortion access

The economics of abortion access

Earlier this year, we talked about how to invest in gender equity and how this pandemic has had a disproportionately negative effect on women. With Texas’ anti-abortion law SB8 taking effect last week, it’s a good time to revisit gender equity and talk about the economics behind abortion access.

What to do with that 50k sitting in your bank account

What to do with that 50k sitting in your bank account

Give yourself a high-five! With a high bank account balance, you’ve already established an emergency fund. This also means that you are a champ at budgeting, saving, and living within your means. So what do you do with the money that’s in excess of your emergency fund? The simple answer, help your future self!

Why Women Need to Start Investing ASAP

Why Women Need to Start Investing ASAP

We want to empower you and all women to embrace and take control of your finances. There are so many cards in the deck stacked against women.

We Did a Podcast! With TypA Co.

We Did a Podcast! With TypA Co.

We discuss what exactly constitutes impact investing, how their approach is different from other investment groups, and why it’s one of the best ways to use money as a means for change. We also discuss why people, especially women, should invest and why it’s essential to be your own advocate in life. This conversation sheds light on the fact that when utilized correctly, financial literacy and conscious investments are stepping stones to a better future.

Good Capital Financial Wellness Workshop for Women

Good Capital Financial Wellness Workshop for Women

Sign up to join our Financial Wellness Workshop for Women. Join a group of inspiring women who are on a mission to take control of their finances. We’ll be there to learn from and help each other achieve our ambitious goals.